Beach & Ocean Safety (BOS)
~in conjunction with our Safety Information
Classes for Younger Swimmers:
*We cannot control the ocean and the weather so please be prepared~ideal conditions may not always occur. We do promise to always work diligently to make this program a success!
Our Playing in & around the water Safety class is for our less experienced swimmers and our younger swimmers.
We will spend time learning about being safe at the beach and in the ocean as well as how to play safely in and around the water (i.e. wave jumping; porpoise floating, etc.).
To participate in this class students need to be able to get their face wet (not necessarily all the way in the water, but must be able to get splashed), can communicate to the instructors, and have some socialization skills.
Parents/guardians are required to be in the water with their swimmer and assist with the skills being learned.
This is NOT meant as a substitute to learning how to swim!Play Groups: are a great way to introduce children to the beach and ocean along with socialization skills.
These groups are designed for our Parent-Child "teams" and our under 3 year old keiki.
We are continually researching current trends, curriculum, and activities which assists us in developing this critical program. -
In-Session Swimmers:
*We cannot control the ocean and the weather so please be prepared~ideal conditions may not always occur. We do promise to always work diligently to make this program a success!
Our Ocean Skill Transitions class is in conjunction with our learn-to-swim (in the pool) lessons.
We will spend one lesson at the beach/ocean during the session transitioning some of our skills from the pool to the ocean; learning safety in and around the water, and other related topics (i.e. rips, currents, land marks).
This class is for all skill levels and students who are currently or previously enrolled in our program. -
Expanding the Wave Class:
*Students who do not meet these requirements will not be allowed to participate in this class.
This class may include practicing how to get out of a rip tide/current; practicing how to avoid crashing waves by diving under them using proper technique; and body boarding the waves safely.