Hawaii Swimming Small but Important Details




Small but Important Details
**You will receive a confirmation email from us 1-7 days prior to the start of the session.

Who attends which class?
•Level Red-Level Purple classes are for children only, no parents.
•Parent-Child classes~parents/adults are required to get in the water with their child.
•Young Swimmers/Hybrid classes~parents may start in the water with their child, however the idea is that the child swim with just the instructor; so we ask parents to begin to transition out of the water.
•Adult classes are for folks older than 18 years old.

Where do I find updates, changes, cancellations, & Pictures?
Please "friend" us on FaceBook so you can enjoy our posts and the swimmers' pictures; and this is where we post any last minute changes or cancellations of classes.

What is the Make-up, Refund, & Cancellation Policy?
You will find the entire policy on the our website, just click this link.

Get Ready for Class:
Please scroll down to this section (or click on the title) so you know what the expectations are at the beginning of each class.

At the end of each class, students may see their instructor for a hand-stamp, a very special treat for the students, especially after working so hard in class. We may ask the adults to do the hand stamps if we are busy in class. *The children tend to not close the lids tightly and then they dry out. In addition, we do want to limit the stamps to one per hand (unless directed otherwise by the instructor). Our students always look forward to this ritual!

Stress-Free Lessons & Transitional Time:
Please scroll down to this section (or click on the title) for excellent tips and suggestions to make the whole experience positive for the entire family.

Goggles & Staying Warm:
Please scroll down to this section (or click on the title) to learn how to find and purchase the best goggles for your swimmer, plus suggestions to keep your swimmer warm all year long.

Participation Certificate:
If you are interested in printing the participation certificate for your swimmer (fill-in details), please use the above link.

Class Time Policy:
We want to ensure that all folks understand the class time policy: We have found that students are productive only for the first 30 minutes; after that they cannot sustain the performance level necessary to gain skills.  We want the swimmers to have a positive experience and forcing them to perform when they are exhausted does not suit this purpose. 
Hawaii Swimming classes meet on the half-hour, so the actual class time may range from 20-30 minutes in length. If you are tardy, it is understood that the instructor will start the class and your student will not be given extra time after the class ends to make up for time missed..
As a general rule, Hawaii Swimming will start all classes on time and only on occasion will a class start more than 5-minutes behind. The EXCEPTION would be because of a weather delay. Weather delays can be up to 30-minutes.
1. Please check the Hawaii Swimming Facebook Page.
2. To find out of there is a delay or if the classes are cancelled--the Facebook page can be easily found by clicking the Facebook link on the www.hawaiiswimming.org website. If there is questionable weather for Hawaii Swimming classes, all classes are on as scheduled UNLESS you receive an EMAIL or a TEXT MESSAGE from Hawaii Swimming.

We do hope you will be understanding and supportive of this policy.

NO SWIMMING Before or After Class
There is NO SWIMMING before or after Hawaii Swimming classes when participating at the D & D Trust pool. This is an absolutely vital rule to follow as it is direct violation of our contract with D & D Trust.

Illness & Injury:
Please scroll down to this section (or click on the title) to read the policy on when your swimmer is ill or has an injury.

Class Sizes & Limits
I understand all Hawaii Swimming classes may have up to 12 students in a class however classes are generally limited to six (6) students per instructor.

Registration Agreements
Understand that in order to enroll in a class with Hawaii Swimming, you must secure your spot by utilizing the registration process and acknowledging the agreement set forth here. You must secure the class with the NON-REFUNDABLE REGISTRATION FEE.

Water bottles with plain water are great to have for after the lessons, as the students put forth a lot of energy and may be thirsty immediately after the lesson.

Stay on Property:
We ask that all parents stay on the premise.
At private pools we do ask you stay on-property.
*We may ask that you "hide" so we can assist your swimmer more effectively.
*There are chairs available to sit on to watch your child swim, and we ask that you stay there while watching (rather than coming to the side of the pool, sitting by the class, or leaning over the deck,
*Usually the children do better when the parents/guardians are not right there.

Get Ready for Class:
Please arrive at least 15 minutes before class so you/your swimmer can be prepared for class. We need everyone to assist their swimmer to get their gear needed for class; use the restroom; tie hair back; and give them emotional support.

1. Fins we do an order for fins once/year, however if there are enough folks to warrant an additional order, we are happy to do an additional order.

a. Find the correct color fins (both fins should have matching numbers).
b. Please do not allow your swimmer to walk on deck with them, even for one step, this tears the fins making them unusable plus your swimmer may fall and get injured *(we are not liable for injuries to swimmers walking on deck with fins).
c. We also ask you to remind the swimmers not to stand on their tip-toes on the bottom of the pool, as that also breaks the fins.
2. Goggles
a. Please find a pair for your swimmer and adjust the straps as needed.
b. Please return them back to the bag at the end of the lesson.
3. Knee pads
a. Please find a pair for your swimmer and place them on your swimmer's knees; straps go in the front; legs must be straight to put them on correctly. *Ask the instructor beforehand to ensure they are needed for that lesson.
b. They may be needed part way through the lesson, in that case, please assist the instructor to get them on quickly.
c. Please lay them out flat on a part of the deck that is not wet (so they can dry) at the end of the lesson.
4. Barbells, boats, magic wands
a. Please check with the instructor to ensure which piece of equipment is needed; have one of each for your child.
b. Please put them away in their holding container (i.e. bag/bucket) at the end of the lesson.
5. Wetsuits
a. Please, Please be sure to return it to us at the end of class; we have already had one go missing and we really cannot afford to replace them.
b. If your child gets cold, it is very difficult for them to concentrate and learn, so the rule of thumb is that it is better to have them in a wetsuit and be overly warm, then not and be cold.
c. If you are borrowing one of ours, please be sure to turn it right side out and rinse it in the shower at the end of class.
d. Please place it in the "wet" bucket or lay it on a dry part of the deck at the end of class.
6. Belts or Dolphin Fins
a. Please check with the instructor to ensure which piece of equipment is needed.
b. Belts are adjustable and should be done prior to putting them on the swimmer; please tuck the extra straps through the holes to keep them out the way of the swimmer.
c. Dolphin Fins go on the swimmers' back; there are two straps, one at chest level, one at waist level; ensure straps are snug.
d. Please put them away in their holding container (i.e. box, bag) at the end of the lesson.
7. We ask that you also return all the equipment back to its holding space (i.e. bucket for fins, bag for goggles, etc.).

Some students do bring goggles, but they are not required. Sometimes they help the students be able to put their faces in the water when they won't without them. It is totally up to you. If you do decide to purchase a pair, the cute little kids ones don't work.
How to purchase a pair of goggles:
There are different shapes and sizes of goggles so you need to find which fits best on your swimmer. Bring the swimmer with you so she/he can try them on; stick the eye pieces on without the strap, if they stick without falling off immediately, they are probably a good pair. If they come off immediately, they are not a good fit and will leak water. Be sure to look at the sides as well, sometimes the goggles are too wide for the children’s faces. Nose piece is important, too close or too far will not give a good fit. The best goggles are made of silicon; straps, eye socket, nose piece are all one piece; strap adjusters should be in the back (not sides-always gets tangled in hair and irritates the ears); straps should be split into two straps, not one.

Staying Warm:
Depending upon how your child reacts to the water, you should have a rash guard, spring suit, or wetsuit. Sometimes the water is a little chilly and the students stay warmer with a rash guard, spring suit, or wetsuit. Some students have just a top/shirt, others have a one-piece, some have long sleeves, while others have short sleeves. You can purchase aqua socks for those who get cold quickly. If you want to keep the heat in and protect the child's hair and ears, there are a variety of swim caps available at various stores. It is completely up to you and what is most comfortable for your child.
We do have a few available to borrow on a 1st come-1st served basis (not all sizes).

Illness & Injury:
If your child is ill, running nose, cough, fever, etc. please do NOT bring them to class. This only makes the swimmer miserable and passes along the illness to the instructors and other swimmers.
*We do ask you notify us of your absence so we are able to plan accordingly.

We are asking for your help in curtailing the spread of infections, warts, and other contagious viruses while participating in our swimming lessons. Please ensure all cuts, scrapes, bumps, blemishes, warts, and such are completely covered at all times. These can and will spread to others, especially to our instructors as they are in constant contact with participants. We have found Band-Aid Liquid Bandage to work successfully; regular band-aids fall off in the water.
If these are on areas which can be covered by rashguards, please wear one that fits properly and does not slide up while moving. If you have a large wound, please do not enter the water until you have a release from your doctor and/or received permission from both the Waikoloa Village Association staff and the Hawaii Swimming staff. If the area is too large to cover, you may need to consider not participating until your doctor informs you that you are no longer contagious.
Participants with colds, runny noses, coughs, etc. should consult their physician prior to participating, as well as have appropriate supplies readily available on the side of the pool (removing such things as snot and placing it in the gutter is a better practice).
We appreciate everyone taking responsibility for themselves to help protect our participants and instructors from the spread of contagious infections.

Transitional Time:
We encourage you to bring your child to the pool prior to the start of class, to allow them to play beforehand as well as have that necessary transitional time. The playing before class helps to get the wiggles out so they can concentrate on learning during the class.
         ~Allow 15-20 additional minutes to dry off and get warm before class starts.
         ~Our learning equipment is available for students to use to practice during that time, we just ask that you let us know you are using it (and return it).
         ~They are welcome to stay after class to utilize the pool during operational hours regardless of what time the lessons are held *(members only).

Stress-Free Lessons:
Taking your children to swimming and water safety lessons should be a stress-free activity.

Here are some tips to make your lessons valuable and an enjoyable experience for you and your child.

*Prior to your child’s first swimming lesson at a new pool, take them to the pool for a play-swim. Your child will feel more relaxed in the water if they are more familiar with their surroundings.

*Observe the swimming lessons they will participate in and where possible introduce your child to their instructor.

*If your child is not used to wearing swimwear, a swim cap and goggles, have a dress rehearsal at home. Feeling comfortable in their swimwear will make for a more relaxed child come lesson day.

*Arrive at the facility early with a relaxed, positive mind-set, particularly if swimming lessons are a new experience. Your child will feel calm, secure and ready to learn.

*Organise a swimming bag for your child containing everything that you think they might need. A good place to start is by packing a towel, swimwear, goggles, swim cap, swim nappies (if required), a set of warm, dry clothes and a healthy snack for afterwards. It is also a good idea to keep a spare pair of goggles handy just in case!

*Goggles - Adjust the headband before your child gets into the pool. It is important however, that children experience swimming without goggles. When visiting the pool leisurely, encourage your child to remove their goggles for short periods at a time to enable them to get used to swimming without them.

*Swim caps have a number of benefits which include keeping your child’s head warm, acting to keep water out of your child’s ears, keeps your child’s hair tucked in and helps your child move through the water more easily, by decreasing resistance. In some Swim Schools, wearing a swim cap is compulsory for hygiene reasons.

*Take your child to the toilet prior to the start of the lesson to avoid accidents and minimise disruptions during the lesson.

*Pool side safety - Encourage your child to walk to and from the designated lesson area and enter and exit the pool safely. Wet tiles are slippery and activity equipment around the pool can present a trip hazard.

*Watching your child’s lesson is encouraged, but try to minimise interfering with the lesson. This can be confusing for your child, distracting other children in the class and can disrupt the flow of the lesson.

*If there is an incident (like letting go of the wall & going under for a moment), turn it around to a positive by making statements such as, "Wow, you did such a great job holding your breath today; I'm so proud of you!" If you make it a big deal, it will turn into a big deal, which could lead to unnecessary fears, leading to more challenging issues that could last a lifetime.

*Please do not force your child to put their face in the water, they will when they are ready. You may however encourage them to try; practice at home: wearing goggles in the bathtub while playing games (throwing & catching with a sponge or uncoated nerf ball is a great way to have the water splash their face); wearing them to take a shower (letting water drizzle over face); and even wearing them around the house to get use to them (the only way one of our students would wear them was if the whole family wore a pair, so that's what they did!).

*Recognizing your child’s achievements on the way home, makes children smile and ends the lesson on a positive note. ‘I saw you put your whole face in the water today, that was fantastic! I can’t wait to tell Dad!’

Beach & Ocean Safety Day (BOS):
Currently we are not offering BOS in every session.
Each session has a Beach and Ocean Safety Day. It is held on either Saturday or Sunday (we switch days each quarter to accommodate all the families).
Below you will see what the schedule generally looks like, however we do send or post a reminder. Your swimmer's time may change, so be sure to double check.

Level Red
(3-4 yr old)

Level Red

Level Red-Orange
(3-5 yr old)

Level Red-Orange

Level Orange

Level Orange
to next level)

Level Orange-Yellow &   Yellow

Adults or special circumstances

Hawaii Swimming